Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Psalm 143:8

I hope you had a great Christmas and thanks again to everyone for everything that you have done for us. We had some firewood fairies show up and thanks for chopping up the kindling for me..I know that was a major task.

David's next treatment is January 5. There are two more scheduled for January 19 and February 2. Kirklin told me that they will do an MRI sometime in February. David is stronger and getting around better...thank you for the prayers for that.

May God Bless you this year...

David, Joy and Emma

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good Morning and Merry Christmas

We will be on the road around 8:30 this morning to Birmingham for David's second treatment. Please pray for our safe travel.

I hope you have a wonderful day.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday Thoughts

First thing this morning I opened the book that someone sent me entitled A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23. The chapter I opened talked about the sheep in a wonderful setting and everything going well then there seems to be and I quote from the book, "a fly in the ointment." Which of course we all know can cause problems. I loved the verse right behind it and wanted to share it with you this morning.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all. Psalm 34:19.

God is clearly working through the prayers that many of you have lifted up for us. David is up and walking again. Praising God and thanking him this morning for this answered prayer.

Our next treatment is December 22 and Randy and Jenny Guy will be with us. Please continue to pray that these treatments will send and keep sending the much needed relief. Please pray also for our safe travel.

As we sat last week in the waiting room, Bart and I listened as many people shared their cancer stories. We overheard two exchanging bone marrow transplant stories, another whom the cancer had taken over her body in several organs, another who grabbed the bible that was laying there and shared with others and even exchanged church names and prayer lists. God was there with us and everyone in that room. The one thing that hit me like a ton of bricks was that I noticed there wasn't a tear in anyone's eyes as they talked. What comfort God gives us when we face the "fly in the ointment." These people were making their faith known to everyone around them. I didn't see anyone question or complain. WOW Could we do that today?

Psalm 23 is one of David's favorite verses. If you haven't read it lately, please take a moment and read it today and say a prayer for David.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Bart, David and I had a good and safe trip yesterday. David, as he has handled everything else, didn't seemed to be bothered at all by the new treatment. No side effects. It's like he hasn't had anything. PTL.........

We will be going to Birmingham twice a month if they see results from these treatments. Thank you again for everything.. Pray without ceasing for us, because that is all that we really need.

David has been better this week...

Love to you and hugs that wrap around you,

David, Joy and Emma

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Just got our phone line back...David continues to have a lot of swelling. As they put it, it's complicated and they are not sure what is swelling or tumor. David will be undergoing a new treatment and we are awaiting the word on when and where and it is done by I.V... From what we understand we should be able to tell after the first treatment if it will help.

I just can't thank everyone enough for everything that is being done for our family.

God is in control and God is GREAT, ALL THE TIME.

Love and Hugs
