Friday, August 7, 2009


Okay..........We are going to try this again.........I do know that David is going to have 36 radiation treatments. Monday through Friday for weeks. David is doing well with this in fact the doc's comment yesterday to him was "I wasn't expecting you to be getting around so well."

Thanks again to Deborah and Daddy for everything this week.

Loomis and Francis, the "chicken stuff" is perfect!

Alan, no comment! But I will pass along your message.

Pray for our endurance and strength and May God Bless you today.


  1. Hello from the Library. We are keeping all of you in our prayers. We want to bring you a meal next Friday (8/14) or Saturday. Let me know if this is an ok day for you AND what you might be hungry for.

  2. Sorry, Joy, no name -- you can call Mary or me (Wendy) if it is not a convenient time.

  3. Sarita Harrell BerryAugust 9, 2009 at 1:39 PM

    We continue to pray for you and David and your family. God has a plan for this journey just hang in there!
    Love you cousin!
    Sarita Harrell Berry
