Wednesday, July 20, 2011


God continues to work his blessings on us. The doctor told us that the tumor had "slight" growth. For now, David will continue on the chemo pill as they do feel that it is slowing it down. .

I came across this today......Enjoy the little things. One day you may look back and realize...they were the big things.

Keep Praying!

May God Bless you today...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

19 years

Nineteen years ago I had the the most rewarding job that I ever had given to me........ I became known that day as Emma's mom! Happy Birthday EK we love you! Mom and Dad

May God Bless you today as he has blessed us so much. We have so much to be thankful for and I always remind everyone to live each day to the fullest for the Glory of God!

David is doing okay this week and we are gearing up for our appointment on Monday.

Love and big big hugs this morning to you,

Friday, July 1, 2011


David is on his fourth round of the 21 day chemo pills. We go to UAB on the 18th.

He continues to hold his own and still amazes me with his attitude of gratitude and his sense of humor. To the date it's been two years. He is a miracle. We need your prayers and thank you for them!

May God Bless you.
