Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parson Brown's word for the day

I have finished my reading of Ezekiel and am now in Daniel. Awesome!!!! Listen to
these words from the New Living Translation--"He determines the course of world
events; He removes kings and sets others on the throne, He gives wisdom to the wise and
knowledge to the scholars" (Daniel 2:21).
The writer in The Daily Devotional Bible reminds us that "When tough times come
for us and our families--death, illness, divorce, financial difficulties, by asking the
question, How do we respond?" Well how do we respond? Most of us spend sleepless
nights and frightful days in worry, desperation and fear. These reactions are typical
and understandable. The writer then adds, "Yet the men and women who place their
trust in our Sovereign God can know that this is not a random, senseless universe, it is
under the control of ITS CREATOR--there are no accidents--HE IS IN CHARGE!!!!
The writer then comments, "We have no guarantee of safety, security, health,
wealth, and unending blessedness, but we do have the assurance that the God who
'determines the course of world events' is pleased to allow us to call him FATHER!"
Let me add Kenneth Wuest's paraphrase of Romans 8:28, "And we know with an absolute
knowledge that all things are constantly working together, resulting in good for those
who are loving God, for those who are called ones according to His purpose!"
As we face today-tomorrow and the next--let us remember--HE IS IN CONTROL--Parson

Another week down on David's treatments and things are good.
Big hugs and lots of love to you, David, Joy and Emma

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